Connections Service.

Connect with others to form new friendships, enjoy activities or share stories and experiences together.
Two people kissing the cheeks of a yellow labrador dog. The dog is seated in between the two people and is looking at the camera.

What is the Connections Service?

One thing’s for sure though: we can all enjoy the experience of meeting new people who have similar stories or experiences to our own.

Explore and connect with new people by getting involved with any, or many, of the following Connections programs and events.

A person at a check out who is looking at the cashier. The cashier is smiling. The person at the checkout has a yellow labrador Guide Dog in harness who is looking at the camera.

What programs are available as part of the Connections Service?

The Connections Service runs a number of programs each year which may focus on a particular topic of interest, or be focussed on supporting people to connect in a particular geographical area. Some examples of programs currently run include:

Chatter Paws

Make new friends and connect over shared experiences in an online or phone Chatter Paws chat. These groups are led by experienced Client volunteers and can be based around a particular topic or demographic.

Peer Support Program

Our Peer Support Program can help match you with peer support volunteers who have lived experience of blindness or low vision. Whether you’re adjusting to a new situation like study or a new job, or your vision has changed or you’re learning to work with your first Guide Dog, sessions with a peer support volunteer can help. You speak to your peer support volunteer one-on-one in a series of five phone calls.

Client Connect Facebook Group

Our new Facebook group, Client Connect is an online space for Clients to chat, ask questions and connect with other like-minded people and the organisation.

Walking Groups

Practice your mobility and navigation skills in a friendly group setting by joining one of our walking groups. Walking groups step out regularly in a number of different regions across NSW/ACT and are usually followed with a relaxing social catch up, so contact us to find out when the next walking group near you will meet.

Assistive Tech Connect

Learn life-enhancing technology skills with other low vision/blind people such as using VoiceOver on your phone or a computer screen reader. Programs can be short or run over the course of weeks. They can be delivered online, over the phone or in person, or a mix. You can use your own technology, or a device can be made available to you for the program.

Café Catch Ups

Gather together with those in your local area with similar lived experience to chat. With a cuppa or piece of cake in hand, we cover anything from the difficulties of our conditions to any good movies people have seen recently. Come along and join in on the community building and laughter!


In a positive and safe environment, guide dog handlers come together to let their dogs off-lead, while practicing dog handling skills, meeting up with other Guide Dog handlers, socialising and offering each other mutual support.

Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is where board games and classic storytelling intersect. With a dash of improvisation each player adopts a character and creates an epic story together. For fans of nerd culture, storytelling, board games, acting, or fun times. Join us online as we make this game as accessible to as many people as we can! No prior experience needed.

Book Clubs

If you’re itching to talk about that thriller’s twist, or that latest historical saga, Guide Dogs’ Book Clubs are for you. Each club mutually agrees on a book and meets monthly online. There are several clubs at different times, discussing different genres. Whether you’re a Braille reader, like large print books or you’re swept up in audiobooks, come along to one of our sessions and get caught up in the brilliance of books.

Email to learn more.

What Connections Service events are available?

In addition to regular programs each year, the Connections Service supports inclusion in a number of community special events, such as the annual Sydney Mardi Gras. The annual Sydney Mardi Gras is all about inclusion, and that means for people who are blind or low vision too! Come be part of it by joining other Guide Dogs Clients either in our viewing area or as part of the parade itself.

Events are advertised through our various Client communication channels such as our On the Move Newsletter. To get involved or stay informed about what events are coming up in your area, contact us.

Email to learn more. You can also check out our Events page to hear what’s happening in your area.

A group of four young adults sitting outside on the grass. There is a yellow labrador dog sitting with them and the dogs head is resting on one of the young adults legs.

Volunteer with the Connections Team

Connections Services is lucky to have a great team of volunteers who make the smooth running of programs and events possible. From the fantastic facilitators who guide our Chatter Paws sessions, to the lovely people who check the park for risks before Unharnessed, each and every Guide Dogs volunteer is invaluable. If you would like to join this committed crew of Client and community volunteers, we would love to hear from you.

Email to learn more.

A Guide Dogs staff members is talking to an older adult in the street. The an older adult is looking at the camera with a smile on his face.

What funding can I use to access Connections Services?

Through the generous support from our community, Connections Services are available at no cost to Clients.

We understand that Clients who need services may not be eligible to receive government funding. If you have low vision or blindness and you do not have access to external funding, we will support you to achieve their goals using funding provided by generous donations from the community.

How do I find out more?

We welcome referrals and enquiries from individuals, families, health professionals and community organisations.

To find further information about our Connections Service, you can:


Two people sitting at cafe table. Both people are smiling.

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