Connection Service.

Connect with other people to form new friendships, enjoy activities or share stories together.
Two people kissing the cheeks of a yellow labrador dog. The dog is seated in between the two people and is looking at the camera.

What is the connection service?

One thing’s for sure though: we can all enjoy the experience of meeting new people who have similar stories or experiences to our own.

Through finding and getting involved with different leisure and lifestyle activities throughout the community—based on your interests, what you’re comfortable with, and where you live—you can get out and explore the world to connect with new people.

A person at a check out who is looking at the cashier. The cashier is smiling. The person at the checkout has a yellow labrador Guide Dog in harness who is looking at the camera.

Current programs: Chatter Paws

Opportunities for you to dial into a group chat of around six people, to discuss a range of different topics while led by Client volunteers. The focus of the group sessions may already be set. Examples could include specific demographics, special interests or Guide Dog Handler groups.

All you need is access to the internet, a mobile phone or a landline.

A group of four young adults sitting outside on the grass. There is a yellow labrador dog sitting with them and the dogs head is resting on one of the young adults legs.

Current programs: Peer Support Program

Goals are identified at the start of the program and you speak to your peer mentor directly over the course of five phone calls. Some Clients have used this program for support before or after matching with a Guide Dog, or for emotional support from someone who has been through a similar situation or experience.

A Guide Dogs staff members is talking to an older adult in the street. The an older adult is looking at the camera with a smile on his face.

Current programs: Young Adults Program

The program aims to enhance independent mobility and living skills in a supportive group setting, and build knowledge and confidence to participate in age appropriate activities of life.

The program focuses on areas of interest for young adults who are blind or have low vision including:

  • Social skills
  • Employment
  • Overseas travel
  • Technology
  • Health and wellbeing

The YAP is predominately a social group, a way of connecting with others, and an opportunity to share experiences. Each event typically involves an information session (including guest speaker) followed by a social dinner. YAP events run once every two months, on a weeknight, at varied meeting locations around Sydney CBD.

For more information:

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