Learn the correct wording for your Will.

Always consult a qualified legal advisor before making changes to your Will.
An older man writing while a young girl puts her arms around his shoulders, hugging him. The man is smiling and there is an older woman in the background who is not in focus but is also smiling.

Correct wording for leaving a gift

I give to Guide Dogs NSW/ACT (ABN 52 000 399 744):
  • The rest and residue of my Estate or
  • _____________ percent of my Estate or
  • _____________ percent of the residue of my Estate or
  • The sum of $_____________

free of all duties and testamentary expenses for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of that organisation shall be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.

A person sitting at a desk using their laptop. The image is a profile view.

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