Moderate Low Vision Survey

November 22, 2021

Guide Dogs is conducting research with people in NSW and Victoria who have low vision on their support needs and the effectiveness of services they access. This research will be used to inform decisions about the services Guide Dogs provide and how they could be best tailored to provide the greatest benefit to persons with low vision.

Take the survey now.

There’s still time to complete and go into the draw to win one of ten $100 vouchers!

This survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and includes 18 questions about your demographics, your vision, your experience with any services you use and ideas for how services could be improved. If you are using a screenreader or other accessible means to complete the survey, it may take 20 minutes or longer.

Guide Dogs is seeking input from people who currently have moderate low vision, or have experienced moderate low vision in the past and can respond to this survey based on their experience at the time. Moderate low vision is clinically defined as having a visual acuity between 6/18 to 6/60. In practice, this could refer to someone who is not eligible to drive, however their sight is above the threshold for being legally blind.

Take the survey now.

This survey has been optimised for use with screen readers. If you need support completing the survey using a screen reader, or require alternative access methods, please call Guide Dogs’ customer service numbers below:

Guide Dogs NSW / ACT – 1800 484 333
Guide Dogs VIC – 1800 804 805


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