Apply for Reimbursement

Guide Dogs are aware that, sometimes, circumstances beyond a Client’s control can lead to difficulty in financially supporting their Guide Dog e.g. managing veterinary costs or providing ongoing support for one of our senior dogs.

Please reach out to our Guide Dog Administration team ( should you need assistance. Each case is assessed on an individual basis through our management team. You can download a copy of the Financial Assistance form here or read through the Financial Assistance Information Sheet.

    Fields marked with * requiredare required.

    Contact Address

    Format: AreaCode + No.

    Dog details

    For non-emergency treatment, please attach a quotation from your vet. Note that Guide Dogs NSW/ACT can only pay the veterinary practice direct where a quotation is provided before the treatment. For emergency treatment, please provide both the invoice and receipt for payment from your vet. Note that Guide Dogs NSW/ACT can only consider reimbursement where tax invoices and receipts are attached.

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