Leave A Gift In Your Will.

Create incredible change and give the gift of freedom.
An older adult sitting in a chair smiling at the camera.

An estate is always worth so much more than the sum of its parts. Beyond property, shares, finances, artworks—or anything else—your estate is all about meaning. It’s reflective of your story: filled with memories, challenges, cherished moments, and more from a life well-lived.

There is nothing more meaningful than completely changing someone’s life for the better. Through a gift in your Will, your life story can help to write incredible new chapters for others. These new chapters—training a puppy for her work as a life-changing Guide Dog; supporting a child with blindness to explore and play for the very first time; helping a person adjust to life without vision—this incredible change is not possible without you. As a community organisation, amazingly generous people like you provide over 80% of our funding. Every contribution through a bequest, no matter the size or format, is incredibly vital. We cannot thank you enough.

An adult sitting outside at a cafe laughing while holding their mobile phone.

How your gift changes lives.

Be inspired by stories

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Please complete our confidential response form to arrange for further information or contact Bill Ballis our Supporter Liaison
on (02) 9412 9478.

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