Guide Dogs clients offered audio description of Mardi Gras parade for first time

March 04, 2019
Guide Dogs clients, staff members and the audio describers from the MCA at the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras wearing rainbow coloured clothes and accessories

How does someone who is blind or vision impaired enjoy the sensory overload and visual spectacular that is the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras?

On Saturday 2 March, Guide Dogs was excited to offer professional audio description to a group of clients at this iconic event for the very first time, making the event accessible and inclusive.

Clients had the parade and surroundings described to them via headsets at the event’s nominated accessibility viewing area – thanks to audio describers from the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA).

Staff were also on hand to offer assistance to clients, including getting to and from the accessibility viewing area.

Client feedback was great and one client attended the Mardi Gras for the first time in 15 years because of the service.



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