JulEYE is National Eye Health Awareness Month

July 10, 2019

Led by the Eye Surgeons Foundation of Australia, this campaign aims to:

  • raise community awareness of eye health issues
  • raise funding for vision research projects into the causes and cures of vision impairment and blindness
  • support international and domestic development projects whose goals are aligned with those of the Foundation

In support of this, these are our five top tips to maintaning healthy eyesight.

Tip 1: Wear sunglasses.

Protect your eyes from sun damage and make sure your sunglasses meet Australian Standards (protection from UVA and UVB)

Tip 2: Get regular eye tests.

Most serious eye conditions are more easil and successfully treated if diagnosed early.  Early prevention now will prevent vision loss later.

Tip 3: Eat right.

A healthy diet can decrease the risk of developing eye problems later in life.

Tip 4: Wear eye protection.

Wearing the proper eye protection will prevent injuries from activities such as DIY and certain sports.

Tip 5. Don’t smoke.

Smoking tobacco is directly linked to age-related macular degeneration and many other eye and health problems.

For more information about the Centre for Eye Health and early detection of eye disease, please click here.


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