Since 1957, we’ve been the leading provider of Guide Dogs in Australia, achieving global recognition for the quality of our Guide Dogs and training programs.
Due to the exceptionally high standards required to become a Guide Dog or Therapy Dog, we need loving forever homes for the dogs that are not quite suited to these demanding roles.
While many people know about the dog’s level of skill and training, it is important to realise that Guide Dog Handlers also undergo intensive training and develop special skills that go toward making a successful partnership with a Guide Dog.
While many people know about the dog’s level of skill and training, it is important to realise that Guide Dog Handlers also undergo intensive training and develop special skills that go toward making a successful partnership with a Guide Dog.
Our Ambassador Dogs are specially selected canines that help us raise awareness about Guide Dogs NSW/ACT. Ambassador Dogs often attend events and meet with donors, volunteers, and the general public.
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