Access all areas
Access is no joke.
Imagine if you were refused access to a café or a restaurant, told you couldn’t stay at a certain hotel, or take transport like taxis and ride-shares, buses and trains? Many people with low vision or blindness experience access challenges just like these on a daily basis.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Join comedian, actor and Guide Dogs Ambassador Michelle Brasier and Broden Kelly of Aunty Donna fame as they introduce our Access All Areas campaign – a campaign designed to remove barriers for people with low vision or blindness, and provoke change – because access is no joke.

Guide Dog Access Card
Guide Dog Access Card.
Developed in collaboration with NSW Police Force, the Guide Dog Access Rights card is designed to assist Guide Dog Handlers if they are denied access to a public place or business.
Learn more about the Guide Dog Access Card

Talking About Vision Loss
Free Audio Mini-Series. All Ears Welcome.
Talking About Vision Loss is an audio resource produced as part of a peer support program, Chatter Paws by Guide Dogs NSW/ACT’s Connections Services. Connections Services exist to foster the power of peer support, sharing knowledge and experience to empower one another. It is produced by Guide Dogs Clients for Clients. This particular Mini-Series, focuses on all things adjusting to and talking about vision loss.
Proudly produced entirely by people with low vision or blindness, this free Audio Mini-Series hosted by Jess Nelson highlights the stories of three Guide Dogs Clients and their experiences with changes to their level of vision.
Listen and learn from the real and heartfelt stories of Kylie, Olivia and Mathew.
Using a Screen Reader
A screen reader enables someone to use a computer through non-visual means.
Assistive Tech Connect was a pilot program held in Newcastle, facilitated by Guide Dogs Assistive Technology and Client Connections Specialists who use screen readers in their everyday lives. Over 12 weeks, a group of people with low vision committed to learning the basics of using Windows screen reader Narrator to increase their capacity and efficiency to write and process written information. During the process, the participants discovered the enormous opportunity afforded to them through this technology, and they wanted to share this world of possibility with others.
To learn more about the availability and endless possibility of using a screen reader, check out these resources.