
A yellow labrador dog standing outside on a lead looking at the camera with an open mouth.

Governance Commitment

  • the Corporations Act 2001
  • the Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Constitution
  • the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012
  • the Charities Act 1978
  • the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991
  • the Charitable Fundraising Regulations 2015

The Board, in undertaking its role in representing Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Members, and in promoting and protecting Guide Dogs NSW/ACT is committed to:

  • Better practice standards of governance.
  • Overseeing and monitoring our business using due care and diligence to ensure our long term reputation and financial sustainability, and our vision is achieved.
  • Acting in good faith, with honesty and integrity, and in the best interests of our Members, clients, staff, volunteers and other stakeholders.

The Board is comprised of up to eleven unpaid non-executive directors. Each member is elected by the Members or co-opted to fill casual vacancies. The CEO is not a Board member.

Board Committees have been established to cover the key areas of our business. Each Committee focuses on specific tasks and programs being undertaken by Management, aligned to our Strategy.

Our Annual and Financial Reports are available here.

Guide Dogs NSW/ACT (GDN) is committed to breaking the boundaries that limit people with low vision and blindness. Advocacy work undertaken with State and Federal governments is key to help us realise the much-needed changes in day-to-day life for our Clients.

GDN supports the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission’s (ACNC) guidelines, stating: “A charity can promote or oppose a change to any matter of law, policy or practice, if the change would further or oppose a charitable purpose. The law, policy or practice being promoted or opposed can be in anywhere in Australia or overseas.”

Advocacy must further or aid a charitable purpose or advance public debate, which informs the public and policymakers. GDN undertakes advocacy consistent with the rule of law and the established system of government.

Our Board

The Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Board consists of up to eleven directors. The Board is responsible for the development of our organisational strategic directions, monitoring organisational performance, and overseeing organisational governance and risk requirements. The Board operates three subcommittees:

  • Finance, Audit and Risk Management
  • Nomination, Remuneration and Culture
  • Corporate Governance

View our Board Member Profiles


A handler crossing the street with a black labrador Guide Dog in harness. The image is taken from the waist down of the person and the dog is looking to the left of the camera.

Available Roles

The Board is seeking two passionate Non-Executive Directors from NSW or ACT to help guide the strategic direction and ensure robust governance and long-term sustainability. Ideal candidates will have experience in Technology, Partnerships, and Clinical sectors related to low vision or blindness.

Lived experience of low vision or blindness, or caring for someone with these conditions, is highly valued.

People for Purpose is leading the search for these opportunities. To express your interest, please read the board pack on the People for Purpose website under Board Search at For specific questions, call us on 0468 625 252 or email us at Submit your expression of interest, along with your CV and cover letter, outlining your interest and relevant skills.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute to a truly impactful organisation.

For more details about the role click here.

Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership team is responsible for implementing the overarching organisational strategy set by the Board. The team ensures that performance goals are met and that our work and programs are undertaken efficiently, effectively and sustainably. Key Leadership Team positions include:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief of Services
  • Chief Philanthropy and Fundraising Officer
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Legal and Governance Officer
  • Chief People Officer
  • Executive Assistant to the CEO

View our Leadership Team Profiles.

Guide Dogs New South Wales Chief Executive Officer, Dale Cleaver. Dale is seated next to a yellow labrador dog. Dale and the dog are both looking at the camera and Dale is smiling.

Our Customer Advisory Panel (CAP)

The Customer Advisory Panel (formerly the Client Advisory Committee) was launched in 2019 as a pilot and transitioned to the existing format mid 2020.

It is comprised of up to eight members and also includes a representative of the Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Board:

Steve Fox,

Dianne Walker,

John Barlow,

Rosanna Liang,

Nicholas Parsons,

Mark Scofield,

Harrison Kirkwood,

Janine Evans, and

Jacqui Jones (Board representative)

Sarah Hirst is the CAP Lived-experience co-ordinator.

The CAP is considered a key stakeholder to ensure that Guide Dogs NSW/ACT collects meaningful customer input into strategic and operational plans.

The CAP brings important customer perspectives to our planning and continuous improvement work, as well as helping us to explore and enhance existing strong connections with local communities. It plays a key role in reviewing updates to existing services, and advising on the co-design of potential new services.

The CAP was established following a review of the previous Regional Advisory Committees, undertaken late 2019. The review led to 14 recommendations including combining existing country and metropolitan Regional Advisory Committees to better facilitate the exchange of views across regions and streamline operational processes.

Reflecting our diverse customer base, members of the CAP come from a range of backgrounds, age groups and locations. Their lived experience of disability contributes a wealth of knowledge to the organisation, and Guide Dogs values their contributions as experts in their personal experience of vision impairment. Members have experience with a range of approaches to orientation and mobility, including Guide Dogs, White Canes and use of Assistive Technology. They also use different sources of funding to access our services, including NDIS, My Aged Care and donor funding.

Please contact us at  for more information.


Our Members

They are entitled to know how a charity is acting and how it is using its resources (finances and assets).  It’s important that they understand the charity’s operations which in turn allows them to raise any questions or concerns that they may have about the way it is run.

Lisa Williams, Puppy Development Advisor with pet dogs Matilda and Zeus

Client Feedback

We collate feedback throughout the year in various ways as well as conducting our regular Customer Advisory Panel meetings. If you would like to provide feedback you can do so by:

Two ladies walk together

General Feedback and Complaints

Guide Dogs NSW/ACT (GDN) encourages and welcomes all feedback, including complaints. We recognise the value of feedback in supporting continuous improvement and strengthening stakeholder relationships. GDN has a “No Wrong Door” approach to receiving complaints and upholds the rights of individuals to raise complaints without fear of retribution.

You can provide feedback by:

  • Completing our online Feedback Form
  • Calling us on 02 9412 9300
  • Emailing so our Feedback Assistant can lodge feedback for you
  • Speaking directly with a Specialist or staff member
  • Taking part in regular surveys

Whichever way you choose, your feedback will be acknowledged and recorded in our Feedback Register.

You can read our full policy here.

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