
Your generous donation enables us to support Australians with low vision and blindness. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
A black labrador Guide Dog seated against a grey background. The Guide Dog is in harness and is looking to the right of the camera.

Find out about other ways to donate to Guide Dogs

There are a number of ways that you can support Guide Dogs and give the gift of independence to someone with low vision or blindness.

Call us on 02 9412 9300 to speak with one of our friendly staff about the ways that you can support Guide Dogs and help change a life.

Your donations to Guide Dogs NSW/ACT helps us to continue our important work including matching Guide Dogs and Therapy Dogs, Orientation and Mobility services providing regional outreach, undertaking diagnostic services through our Centre for Eye Health, delivering technology support sessions and Occupational Therapy to more than 3,500 Clients.